You are Not Wrong
Photo by Ahmed Carter on Unsplash
With knowledge comes power. Having knowledge does not really make you special though, it just makes you informed and usually (but not always) aware.
Our egos are good at protecting us from perceived danger, usually because similar situations happened to us when we were little, and our soul requires us to relive and relieve these circumstances today with a different, hopefully more mature view.
This doesn’t make it less painful of course, but now that we are older we may have better tools to overcome the situation a bit easier.
Like everyone else I have an ego and have been taught by my clients many times when it is out of place. Allowing that information in is difficult because instead of realizing that we have done something wrong, we think we ARE wrong as a being.
Because of this we crave experiences that make us feel special and loved.
In addition, underlying our façade we present the world is our fear. We are afraid we won’t be liked; we won’t be loved and we won’t be seen for who we truly are — this is sad.
It is so sad that our society isn’t set up to empower people. Instead, bullying seems to win out on social media and too often in daily life. Bullying comes from fear, disease comes from fear, much of the hate, illness and wars in the world come from fear. It is so sad that our society isn’t set up to empower people.
We are taught by billions of dollars of marketing that we think we are better or special because we have the latest technology, the latest music, the coolest clothes or even sadder a unique disease.
We define ourselves by these things. But this isn’t who we really are.
We are not our clothes or our disease. We are so much more. Each one of us is special just because of who we are. We all are amazing just because. We don’t need reasons to feel special, we just are special and tapping into that within yourself is empowering.
Finding that specialness within you can be challenging if encouraging role models were not in your life. Overcoming fear and disease can be hard, but not impossible.
My wish is that you find the tools you need to empower yourself to see your true worth and overcome the challenges before you.
About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.