How to Overcome Shingles Naturally
Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash
Shingles is extremely painful. Fortunately, I have been able to help many clients over the past many years with this issue. The shingles virus is in the herpes family, including chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, mononucleosis, and Epstein-Barr virus. All these viruses present different symptoms, shingles being the most painful and can be long lasting, but there are effective natural options available.
Allopathic options
Viruses challenge allopathic medicine. Very expensive drugs were created to help with viruses. There are pain medicines of course, and a vaccine specifically for shingles which is touted to reduce the incidences of shingles. All allopathic drugs come with side effects which I won’t mention here but can easily be found online. Many of the alternative practitioners I work with have found that Acetaminophen/Tylenol only lengthens the time you will endure the pain from shingles as it inhibits healing. And I am aware of many people who had taken allopathic options and still endured much pain and suffering before they came to me for help. As always, see your health practitioner to properly diagnose your issue before making any health choices.
Natural health options
Fortunately, there are very effective natural options available. Many of my clients have successfully and naturally overcome shingles quickly.
As mentioned before in many of my articles, each illness has an underlying emotion. You can look up underlying emotions for most health conditions in books written with this valuable information. Two of my favorites are Feelings Buried Alive Never Die book by Karol Truman and in Messages from the Body by Michael Lincoln. The underlying emotion for a virus is, generally speaking, in the category of guilt. The books go into more specifics on this; however, the important thing here is that you acknowledge what your body is trying to say to you, and to realize that the “guilt” may not even be yours. It may be from your ancestors, yes that is right. Feelings are energy, and they are a frequency. When ignored, they don’t get processed, and they can just be passed down from generation to generation. This concept has been proven many times by science, even though it is mostly ignored by allopathic medicine. Sometimes illness is cut out from a person, but that doesn’t mean that the feeling was processed; many times it is not, which is why illness returns, as the core cause, unfortunately, isn’t recognized and dealt with effectively.
Now adays you can just do a simple web search (without purchasing a book) to find the underlying emotions for any body part or illness and you will be provided with a plethora of information.
Regardless of your belief on this, the idea here is that your body is trying to give you a message. The more you don’t listen, the more the body works to get our attention. Reading the appropriate underlying emotion often taps into that part of us that allows the feeling to be acknowledged and released. This tool is a powerful way that my clients, friends, family, and myself often use to release health issues effectively.
Acid environment
In addition to emotion, unbalanced pH can create an environment for virus. You can learn more about pH here. Suffice to say that if your body is too acidic, you create an environment for virus to flourish. The amino acid L-Lysine may be useful to help balance the pH and assist some people with shingles. Eating more alkaline food can be beneficial as well.
There are foods recommended that people with shingles should avoid, including dairy (milk products), sugar, alcohol, and wheat as they are acidic foods and tend to feed organisms more than the person. They also affect the immune system overall. Stick to eating whole foods such as vegetables and quality meats, a clean diet, eliminating food with added toxins as much as possible.
One of the most significant creators of acid in the body is stress. There are many types of stress a body with shingles might be experiencing, including physical stress within the body, emotional anxiety, or environmental stress.
There are many tools to help combat stress within the body, including:
meditation to help put issues into perspective
supporting adrenals with adaptagenic herbs and/or B-complex vitamins
exercise to help clear the mind, improve circulation and flush the lymph system
and massage to release tension, increase circulation, and stimulate the lymph system to release toxins.
Here are some drug-free tips for stress management.
In shingles, the tissues with pain are inflamed, so taking anti-inflammatories can be helpful for some people. There are several natural anti-inflammatories; mangosteen, essential fatty acids, and turmeric are some of the most useful for shingles. I have found taken in the right mixture/amounts can have excellent results, while taking the wrong one becomes a waste of money. It is vital to work with your health professional to determine which one would have the best results for you. Muscle testing works well to give the best results. You can read more about muscle testing here.
In Chinese medicine, shingles is categorized as a “heat” condition in the body. Taking herbs that are cooling to the body can sometimes be useful taken internally to clear or eliminate heat within the body. Although using capsaicin or cayenne pepper creams, which are hot, can be beneficial topically to help with the pain from shingles.
Natural Virus Killers
There are a few effective herbal virus killers, some more effective than others. It is essential to determine what works best for your body. I know of some people who have used Yarrow and Vitamin C and had pain and blisters gone within two days. There is a Chinese herbal combination that is explicitly made for viruses in the herpes family. It was even proven in Boston studies by American researchers to show the efficacy of eliminating these viruses.
Another factor when you are dealing with organisms is mutation. Organisms mutate. There are a few herbs that we have found useful in helping to curb mutation if caught at the right time. Astragalus and Pau D’Arco are two that seem to work best, not taken at the same time, but again muscle test for the best results for your body.
My clients have found it best to tailor the program specific to each body for the best results when using alternative options. Using the shotgun approach doesn’t work and wastes time and money.
Please reach out if you have questions or would like a customized natural program for shingles or other health issues.
About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.