Make Decisions from Power
Photo by Monica Silva on Unsplash
”When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take — choose the bolder.”… William Joseph Slim
Every day we make decisions, what to eat, what to wear, where to go on vacation, etc. You decided to read this article. As we all know some choices are very minor, while others can be life-changing. Some choices are completely unconscious while others are very intentional.
Also, the energy behind choices can be very different. Some choices are made from the power within us, while others are made from fear.
We always have a choice.
Although many times it may feel as though we are pushed into a corner and only have one option — WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! It may not be something you see today or something you are even aware of, but you always have a choice. As the late William James, American psychologist and philosopher said, “When you have to make a choice and you don’t make it, that itself is a choice.” I believe Geddy Lee in Rush stated that as well.
Why are we stuck and afraid to veer from what many experts tell us we need to have or do? It is all because of what is often referred to as FUD, which stands for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
We are constantly bombarded daily from billions of dollars of marketing as well as many “experts” that we are told are “more educated” than us and often do a number on us by making us fall into FUD traps — a popular selling tactic often used by marketing companies and salespeople to sell merchandise.
If someone instills these seeds of Fear, Uncertainty, or Doubt, it often causes us to make decisions based on underlying fears, instead of what might really be best for us.
This applies to so many things in life — purchasing items, relationships, jobs, etc. Some examples are:
· Buying a dress because the person you were shopping with said it would look good on you and you were afraid to disappoint your friend. Even though you have never worn the dress and ended up giving it to goodwill a few years later.
· Purchasing a car because it was a good deal, and you were afraid to miss out on the opportunity. But not actually getting the car you really wanted. A powerful decision would be to visualize the car you want, do the appropriate research on the web or at the library — and do your best to avoid salespeople and their FUD traps. Get what you want!
· Eating food that you know will make you feel sick later because you are afraid of what other people may say about you. A powerful choice here may include bringing your own dish to a party that is healthy for you or check with the restaurant ahead of time for alternatives. Remember that if people do make comments on your diet — it usually stems from the fact that they are afraid of making these choices themselves.
· Staying in a bad marriage or relationship afraid to “rock the boat” or afraid of where you will get money to live if you were to step out of the relationship. A powerful decision would be to get a job to support yourself, move out and away to heal from the experience. Or make the decision itself that you want to be in a more positive relationship — that is the first step. It is amazing how after you make that first decision, all the people, places, and things magically appear to make it so.
My Life Example
Being human, I am no exception and have made more than my share of decisions based on fear. But as I get older, and I assume this is true for many people, I find I am making fewer choices out of fear and more from a place of power.
One of the wisest decisions I made for myself was to stop going to medical doctors. In case you didn’t know, I was very ill when I was in my early 20’s, and I did all the recommended surgeries, tests, drugs, etc. Unfortunately, none of that worked for me, and my health kept deteriorating.
In this case, luckily, I decided to start making decisions from power. I decided to see only “alternative” healers that would work to help my body find the balance I needed, replacing the drugs, that only made me more toxic, and surgeries, that didn’t really help prevent the problem from reoccurring again.
I chose to eat only organic, whole, living foods that would feed my body and not make me more toxic, or prevent me from getting the much-needed nutrients to repair my body. And finally, I chose to work on my emotions and feelings with books, and helpful “lightworkers” that I was so very fortunate to have in my life to help me release the emotional baggage and old belief systems that were no longer serving me and allow me to bring into my life the things that I really wanted.
Now, I know this is an extreme idea for most people, and it definitely is not for everyone. Everyone needs to find their path for what their definition of health is. For me, I got tired of the fear that I was given by the doctors, “you should have a hysterectomy or your problem will never get better”; the uncertainty — “you will have this pain for the rest of your life”; and the doubt — “you will never be able to have a child”.
I decided to NOT buy into the FUD I was being given and started looking for answers to my problem. I knew that if I cut my arm, it would heal. Why wouldn’t the inside of my body do the same thing?
So I kept researching, asking questions constantly, and learning what I felt would be best for me, and during the process empowered myself to be more in charge of my own healthcare, and not give that power over to someone that didn’t care about me as much as I care about myself.
Now don’t get me wrong. I believe doctors do have a place. If I broke a bone, I would go to a doctor to get it reset. But then I would immediately go to the chiropractor to make sure my nervous system was working correctly to repair the damage.
I would go to the acupuncturist to help with pain and inflammation. And I would take herbs or other supplements to help repair the damage nutritionally. And I would seek out other alternative healers that either I have worked with in the past, or that may cross my path as, now, is the right time to see them.
I know this may sound brutal to someone that hasn’t been exposed to this way of thinking before — but there is a plethora of books, websites, and other sources of information that follow this train of thought as well — and if you aren’t exposed to it now, it might do you and your health some good to seek this information out that that supports this way of thinking.
I am so thankful that I made this choice because when I started making my health decisions from power, my daily pain went away in a week, and the majority of my health problems were gone within a year. And today, I am healthier than I have ever been. I also had my son 24 years ago.
I have had many people ask me — “What if you had a terrible disease?” Well, first when I feel poorly, or off-balance, I immediately do something about it. I see my chiropractor, or other health professionals to help bring my body back to balance. So many diseases start with a simple imbalance that over time becomes a larger imbalance.
I look up what the underlying emotion might be that my body is trying to tell me so I can pay attention to it and resolve it. I see so many people try to push off their illness — or bury it underneath over-the-counter drugs or pain medication. I choose not to do that. If doctors and drugs could give us better health, we would all be optimally healthy. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
More importantly, I would work with my friends, family, and books to help me find the underlying emotional cause of my problem. A very good book for this is Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol Kahn Truman. All illnesses have an underlying emotional issue to them.
Once you figure out what is bothering you — it is then up to you to decide if you want to release it. Personally, I do not buy into the FUD of having someone else tell me I have a disease in my body. I truly believe we all have the power within ourselves to make ourselves sick or make ourselves healthy. It is our choice.
How to get from FUD to Power
Breaking old habits is difficult, but if you want to break out of the FUD box, you can. First, you need to educate yourself about alternatives. Talk to people who have experienced the same situation. With an open mind, read, read, and read some more. Jump into uncharted waters. You need to understand the pros and cons of the situation before you can make an educated decision.
Once you have researched and made your decision, have faith in it. Belief in yourself is most important. Loving yourself is key. When you empower yourself there is no end to what you can accomplish. If anyone hasn’t told you yet, — YOU ARE WORTH IT!
When doing your research, be sure to take time with the information you are given and keep in mind who is delivering the message and what are your other options. I know of people given a diagnosis that they would die in 6 months, and they took that message as gospel and literally died 6 months from that time.
I know many other people that took their diagnosis and decided to do research and have removed their diagnosed disease from their life permanently. You have the power to overcome and achieve what you want. There is no doubt about that.
Making the first important choice from knowledge and not FUD can be challenging. Successive choices, however, will become easier and you gain confidence in your decision-making process.
Can Good Decisions be Made from Fear?
Just like anything else, there are some exceptions. A decision seemingly from fear can be important like grabbing a child out of the street before they get hit or moving objects to prevent people from falling. But I think that these decisions are based on knowledge rather than fear in that instantaneously we decide, as adrenalin rushes through our bodies disguised as fear, to keep a loved one from harm.
We know the theory of what happens next. That’s what our parents taught us. Our brains amazingly put us in fight mode when tragedy is about to occur. I think we are acting on a subconscious level at those times and are on a primal instinct level deciding to save a life. Not everyone would. Some would just freeze in fear.
Kicking the FUD habit
I encourage you to make a conscious decision to educate and decide daily for your life. Start with whether you should eat that yummy donut or more nutritious food, like eggs; whether to listen to people that might not have your best interest at heart, or decide to do something because it is your heart’s desire; or researching all your health options before deciding on the best choice for you.
The only way to get what you want from life is to make the best choices for yourself — choices that are good for your body, mind, and spirit. Discover your power!
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About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.