How to reverse diabetes naturally
Photo by Mykenzie Johnson on Unsplash
Diabetes type 2 is so prevalent now. The fact that people are so willing just to settle into this illness instead of doing something to fix it is sad. Here is some information that my clients have used to help themselves to overcome diabetes.
First off, there are so many underlying causes of diabetes, type 2; parasite, virus, toxic conditions, emotional baggage, poor diet, overworked organs, and a combination of any of the above. Having worked with so many people with diabetes, I have found so many unique differences with each person. I wish there were 1 supplement or one “buried” issue that would help them all — but unfortunately, that isn’t the case.
Emotionally, diabetes is referred to by some alternative health practitioners as the “poor me” disease. It’s like the person is stuck in an endless pity party. Research has proven how this emotion can even be transferred via DNA to the next generation. Once people consciously uncover this for themselves and start to take action to overcome these issues — they can have profound results physically and mentally/emotionally. Working with a good therapist, doing the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or digging into Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman or books like this can help a lot. I have several customers who have taken deep mediation classes and have been able to eliminate their diabetes for good.
Diet plays a huge part in Diabetes. If you read the book Health and Nutrition Secrets that can save your life, by Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D., who has been a neurosurgeon for the past 25 years, on page 266 he states that “exposing small children to milk before age two is a major cause of juvenile diabetes.” He explains that several scientific journals have reported this, but there have been NO media announcements to the mothers of the world regarding this fact.
So, obviously, staying away from all dairy products would be a good thing. There are so many alternatives now; oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and rice milk, to name a few. Out of all of these, coconut milk is considered the healthiest. There are also cheeses, ice “cream” products, and the like made from these nutritious milks. I encourage you to try them all to find the ones you prefer. Many of my clients love coconut milk “ice cream”. And there is now cheese products made from coconut oil that are delicious - VioLife is one brand that most of my customers love. I recommend avoiding soy products for many reasons you can learn about here.
Staying away from processed sugars is also important. This is much easier nowadays because there are so many healthy alternatives; stevia, Lohan/pure monk fruit, or lucuma to name a few. There are sugar alcohols, erythritol, sorbitol, maltitol and xylitol. These are recommended sparingly as they are hard on the liver.
There is plenty of research in many other publications — explaining to stay away from artificial sweeteners. In the book Skinny Bitch, by Kim Barnouin & Rory Freedman, they state, “The FDA has received more complaints about aspartame, (also know as Equal™ or NutraSweet™) than any other ingredient to date.” And Splenda™, asulfamine potassium, and Saccharin™ are not any better. Just more ways to keep you unhealthy and allow someone else to make money off that fact!
Also, it is important to eat quality food and stay away from junk and fast food. I know this should be a given, but if you don’t know this for some reason, now you do — stop eating at places that don’t really care about your optimum well-being. If you are so busy that you can’t take care of your body properly — then maybe you should re-think what you do each day — and stop to realize that you are worthy of more for yourself! Envision optimum health daily in your thoughts and actions.
What you should be eating, more than anything else is vegetables! This is the main fix for most health issues and especially diabetes. But getting people to do this is incredibly challenging. Dr. Henry Bieler, M.D., in his book Food Is Your Medicine, talks about his successes in curing Diabetes type 2 doing just that. However, another option that is effective is switching to a carnivore diet. There is much research on this now and many people rid themselves of a plethora of health issues, including diabetes on this way of eating.
Meanwhile, getting to the source of each person’s problem can be very challenging, but not impossible. With a complete blood panel, detailed analysis, and some accurate muscle testing, many practitioners can get to the core of the problem.
We have found that some people really have a liver issue instead of an actual pancreas issue. That their blood sugar was going up as a reaction to the fact that their liver could not process the heavy amount of toxins in their bodies.
Other clients have been terribly deficient in good fats (fish & flax oils, for example), which are very nourishing to the body and reduce carbohydrate cravings. These people have had to work to train their bodies to run on fats and not insulin.
Some clients do have an actual issue with their pancreas, and others have had to work with the lungs or adrenals because these two control insulin in the body. Still, others may have to work at flushing out an organism that is causing the problem — and changing the environment internally, not to attract more in the future.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Tips to avoid sugar
There are a few tricks for helping you cut down on sugar. First, eat more good fats such as avocados, olive oil, and coconut oil to allow optimal transportation in your body and help cut down on sugar cravings.
Taking spirulina and other algae also are known to help sugar cravings. And, research has shown that getting enough sleep has helped people to make better food choices.
And finally, just eating more bitter foods. The more bitter foods you eat, the better your digestion will be, and the fewer sweets you will crave overall. Try eating dark baking chocolate after meals or drinking a teaspoon of cocoa/cacao powder before meals to help curb your appetite and sweet tooth. You can easily google a list of other bitter foods.
Quality health supplements can be very effective for some people. Check with your health professional to see if they may be useful for you.
Chia Seeds — Research is being conducted to show how chia seeds may prevent and/or overcome Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Chia causes a slow release of carbohydrates and an equally slow converting of carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) for energy. The outer layer of chia seeds is rich in mucilloid-soluble fiber, intended to keep the seeds from drying out in desert air. When chia seeds are mixed with water or stomach juices, a gel forms a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. The carbohydrates are digested eventually but at a slow and uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower the blood sugar level after eating chia.
Chromium — the GTF (glucose tolerance factor) chromium is best and typically less expensive. Many body-building products contain chromium picolinate, which is often recommended in many health books. But with further research, you will find that chromium picolinate can make the liver more toxic if taken over a long time and has properties that “heat up” the body, probably to try and burn off the excess toxins it is accumulating.
Cinnamon has been in the media for several years as an effective treatment to help lower blood sugar. Many stores sell it in capsules or tablets. You can just put it on your food as well. Historically cinnamon has been used to kill some organisms.
Gymnema has been around for quite a while and is an herb that is found in India. If you put Gymnema in your mouth and then try to taste something with sugar, you will find that it is no longer sweet. This is because the Hindu name for Gymnema is “sugar destroyer .” It also has beneficial properties when taken internally. It prevents sugar from being absorbed into the bloodstream from deep inside the digestive system.
Another popular herb is Garcinia. Garcinia cambogia is also known as Brindalberry and contains hydroxy citric acid, which is known to inhibit the liver from manufacturing fats and lowering triglycerides in the blood. It is found in many blood sugar balancing formulas.
Another popular ingredient in sugar balancing formulas is Bitter Melon. Also known as Karela or Momordica Charantia is a herb that helps regulate blood sugar levels and is found in herbal blood sugar formulas.
Many people have found benefits from increasing their anti-oxidant levels with various beneficial fruits such as goji/wolfberries, sea buckthorn, and mangosteen. There are also beneficial herbal formulas that have been used for many years by herbalists and Ayurvedic formulas and Chinese teas that have helped many of our customers bring their blood sugar numbers back to normal. And many times helping them to eliminate their drugs or insulin.
Finally, I would like to give you a stern and important warning. If you decide to try some different natural products to improve your health and blood sugar issues:
1. Make sure you are working closely with a health professional that will help and support you to do so; and
2. Take your blood sugar twice as often as you normally do. Personally, I won’t work with anyone who does not heed this warning as you will experience changes, and if you are paying attention, you can benefit from them, and if you are not, you can get hurt.
Pay attention to your body — listen to what it is telling you so that you can help it return to optimum health.
About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.