Kasara’s Homemade Dog Food Recipe
Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash
I have had hundreds of customers bring their pets to me to help overcome all kinds of skin, digestive and other issues, including cancers and tumors. This is my recipe for healthy dog food.
1 pkg of frozen broccoli
1 pkg of frozen green beans
1 pkg of frozen butternut squash
1 pkg of ground beef (not frozen) or venison, buffalo or other meat
Several stalks of celery
Bunch of collard greens — or frozen if you can find — these are high in Vitamin B — and very good for dogs.
1 can of pumpkin — essential for dogs — which is why you will see it in many dog stores for sale.
Mix everything but the canned pumpkin into a large pot. I put the squash and other frozen items in the bottom as they take longer to cook. Keep the percentage around 75% veggies and 25% meat. Too much meat makes their body acidic and can cause other health issues. Cooking the meat into the veggies helps to flavor the veggies. Add a cup or two of water for processing and cook up. I also add in a few Tablespoons of coconut oil. This helps their coat, and works on transportation in the body, preventing stagnation which is one of the main causes of disease. Mix often to break down the meat and mix everything well. You can then put it into a blender to mix it all up, especially if you have picky dog that picks out the meat and won’t eat the veggies. I used to have to do that for my dogs, but now they love the veggies. This whole thing will keep in the fridge for a 1.5 weeks. I often freeze a small container so I have as back up and when for when I travel.
When serving, I pour hot water over the food to heat it up for my pup and I sprinkle brewer’s yeast over to prevent fleas and I add in a quality multi-vitamin. Put cooked food into containers to refrigerate or freeze as needed and feed your dog per their size needs.
You can use fresh or frozen veggies. Frozen tends to be less expensive, more convenient and is already chopped up. Zucchini is also great. I try to grow a lot in the summer and freeze to add to the food. Sometimes I add spices, sometimes kale, chard, lettuce, spinach, bok choy, whatever other vegetables you have at home you can chop up and put into the mix. I do recommend paying attention to which items are helping and/or not with your dog. Dogs respond quickly when given the correct nutrients, and I have seen changes within hours sometimes, so it is fairly easy to see what is working and what isn’t.
If your dog does NOT have immune, fungus, or blood sugar issues, you could add in pear, apple, carrots or parsnips, beet greens, turnips, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, squash, etc. if you like.
You can read my article about keeping your dogs healthy HERE.