Tips to improve your overall health - lymph system tools
Photo by Gabriel Silvério on Unsplash
Good health is not rocket science. There are basic principles that exist; and when not followed, there are consequences.
For example, take your kitchen sink. Let’s say that this sink backs up, and there is water sitting in your sink because the drain is clogged. Would you drink that water in the sink? NO, it is wastewater that will eventually pollute the kitchen and attract bacteria if left in your sink.
So, in our bodies, we also have a drainage system — our lymphatic system. This system works hand in hand with our circulatory system to keep our tissues and organs alive and healthy. It is the lymphatic system’s job to ensure that the fluid around the cells doesn’t become sluggish or, even worse, at a standstill.
Most people know very little about their lymph system, even though it is the only system that permeates their entire body. Amazingly, the nervous and circulatory systems do not even do that. This fact alone should tell us that this system is essential to our basic health. And yet, many people are walking around with clogged lymph systems. Yuk!
What is our lymph system supposed to do for us? Lymphatic fluid circulates through an interconnected network of spaces and vessels between tissues and organs. Our lymph system is supposed to eliminate any excess lymph fluid from the tissue spaces, purify it of cellular debris and return it to the circulatory system, in the process removing bacteria and other pathogens that cause infection.
Like our sink, without the lymphatic drainage working correctly, the body’s tissues become like a clogged kitchen sink, a trash-laden back alley, or a stagnant swamp. Whatever analogy we use, none of our cells can survive without a constant influx of fresh lymphatic fluid — and a clogged lymph system is not a healthy condition.
The lymphatic system detoxifies the whole body, providing it is working correctly. When the lymphatic system does not remove the waste and toxins from the body, the nerves become irritated and damaged, causing pain and other illnesses.
Some signs that your body’s lymph system is clogged are allergies, bloating, breast problems, cysts, tumors, earaches or ear infections, fatigue or exhaustion, weak immune system, over-acidity causing arthritis pain, prostate swelling, respiratory conditions, skin conditions, sore throats, spleen problems, stressed kidneys or bladder, or swollen lymph nodes. If you had your tonsils out, you had a lymph system issue. Tonsils are the pop-up timer (like in turkey’s) that tells you something is wrong with the lymph system. When you no longer have tonsils, you will need to pay attention to the signs listed above.
Say that someone told you that you could purchase a product that would prevent your lymph system from flushing correctly. Would you buy it? Millions of people do it every day — they are called antiperspirants. The definition of antiperspirants is “stop perspiring or sweating.” Okay, so where are all those toxins supposed to go now? Well, if your other elimination systems are blocked up also — and many peoples are — they typically stay in your body, causing inflammation, pain, and many other illnesses listed above.
A few years ago, I was sitting in my office with a customer, and the newsman came on the radio to say that they had discovered antiperspirant ingredients in breast tumors. Duh! Where did they think they were going to go? And why did everyone act so surprised? Oh, and they followed-up the news article saying that “but antiperspirants don’t cause breast cancer” — Oh, please! Let us see, let’s stop a vital body function from working correctly and efficiently — but there isn’t any damage from doing that. Yeah, right.
Several months after this, I saw an article in Oprah magazine. The March 2005 issue, in the Ask Val section, which is about beauty — someone had written in about a sweating problem that they had — they were sweating right through their clothes — “how embarrassing” the article read. And Val recommended that the person use a “powerful antiperspirant with a high percentage of aluminum” — with no concern that this will clog up her lymph system or that there have been many studies where aluminum was linked to Alzheimer’s. I know that Val is not a doctor — but she should have recommended this woman see a health professional of some sort — because excess sweating is also an indicator in many illnesses — predominantly glandular imbalances. She did not recommend changing her diet or flushing her lymph system to unclog her lymph system — instead, the opposite.
And then, a few months after that, I was watching the news. And there was a woman who was getting married and did not want to sweat during her wedding. So, she was getting underarm Botox injections, “which block the signals that trigger sweat production.” — Oh, that sounds healthy. NOT!
Mark my words — the women who use these — will get some form of cancer: breast, lymph, or other. You cannot stop an important elimination system in your body from working correctly and not expect something to result from it.
Here are some ideas on what you can do to have a healthy lymph system.
First — Drink water. Drinking water helps to flush the lymph system by providing clean fluids to flush toxins. Even moderate dehydration contributes to poor lymphatic drainage. Many health professionals consider the lymph system our third kidney. Keeping your kidneys flushed properly with water can help put less stress on your lymph system.
Second — Exercise. One of the best exercises for the lymph system is a mini-trampoline. If a person cannot stand on the trampoline, they can still benefit from sitting in a chair next to the trampoline with their feet on the trampoline. Another person can then bounce gently up and down. This exercise moves the lymphatic tissue. Walking, breathing deeply, and any other exercise can help as these all move the lymphatic system. Deep breathing means to sit and relax and take 3–5 deep, controlled breaths. Do this as often as you like; the more often, the better. It is excellent for so many body functions and helps with stress as well. Shaking machines are also beneficial to increase circulation and stimulate the lymph system. There are several on the market you can easily find searching the web. Prices vary, as some are more advanced than others.
Third — STOP USING YOUR ANTIPERSPIRANT — use deodorant instead. The definition of a deodorant is to “stop odor.” There are many natural deodorants on the market — there is quite a selection available now roll-ons, rocks, essential oil sprays, enzyme sprays, etc. These are all-natural and help to kill the bacteria that causes odor. Remember, it is important to sweat, but you do not have to smell. Some people need to rotate products to find what works for them.
Remember also that if your lymph system is toxic, it may take a while to flush it out thoroughly. It could take 3–9 months before seeing a change in the amount of sweat you are producing. Once you stop clogging up your system and open the drainpipe, your body will take advantage of that and flush everything out for you — this is normal.
If you absolutely must use an antiperspirant for a special occasion — fine — but when you get home, wash it off as much as possible. Otherwise, when you are sleeping all night, it is preventing your body from flushing naturally.
Fourth — Change your diet. If you stop putting toxins in your body, you will not have to worry about them coming out at another time. I had a customer come into my health food store years ago, and I thought he said it all. He was going to purchase an organic deodorant we sell. And then, at the last minute, he said, “I don’t want this — I’ve decided to eat better instead — because when you eat correctly, your body doesn’t stink.” Amen to that!
Fifth — Change your perceptions — In most other countries globally, people do not use antiperspirants — and it does not make us more civilized to use these products; it just makes us more clogged up and causes more disease than all these other countries combined.
Sixth — Pay attention to what you put on your skin in the first place. Everything you put on your skin goes right into your lymph system. Why do you think there are so many patches on the market? Because we absorb things more effectively through our skin than we do through our digestive systems. So, think about the type of lotion you use? Have you looked at the ingredients? Do you know what all those ingredients are? What are they made from? And what they do to help or hurt your body? Why are you putting it on your body if it can hurt you? A useful resource for this information is Ruth Winter’s book, A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients. Reading up a bit can help educate you on what you are being exposed to daily.
Seventh — Stimulate your lymph system to flush naturally; one way is by sweating regularly. Saunas, steam rooms, exercise, and Ginger baths (2 Tbsp ground ginger in a hot bath) all can help you to flush your lymph system effectively.
Dry brushing is another inexpensive and very effective way to stimulate your lymph system to flush effectively. Use a dry brush that is only used for this purpose. Brush your skin towards your heart every day at least once a day. One of my customers had tumors on her inner thighs and only did dry brushing, and within a few months, they were gone.
One of my customers had high blood pressure. She started taking ginger baths slowly, just 5 minutes to start, working up to 20 minutes a day. After two weeks, she started breaking out in a rash on her chest. I asked if there was any information there for her. She said that is where she puts her perfume, which appears was now coming out of her skin from a buildup. Once she had this cleanse through her skin, her blood pressure dropped to normal. Important note: do NOT use more than 2 Tbsp of ginger in the bath. I used a lot one time, and if your lymph system is toxic, fluid will dump out of your lymph system into your digestive system, and you will throw up. I felt great afterward, but it wasn’t fun to go through!
Optimizing the lymphatic system is a powerful tool that can help your body eliminate toxins that lead to pain and other health issues. Why not help instead of preventing your lymph from working effectively. Your overall health will improve because of it.
About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.