Nature’s Fresh – Amazing natural tool for so many uses!

Enzymes are extremely important for our bodies.

They help hold molecules together, help us digest our food, carry toxins out of our bodies, help to repair and build new tissues, help create other enzymes for our brain, and are the glue that helps hold calcium in our bones. When looking at a bottle, the enzymes end in the suffix “ase.” For example, there is Lactase, an enzyme needed for digesting milk products.

When you are born, your parents give you a “bank account” of enzymes based on their nutritional practices. Some people have more in their “bank account” than others from which to pull. Every time we eat, our body uses enzymes to digest our food and pull toxins out of our bodies.

Only raw food contains enzymes. Raw food is often referred to as “living food.” Cooking food kills enzymes if cooked too much – hence the term “cooked to death.” When vegetables are crisp, it is because there is an enzyme holding the molecules together, making the vegetables snap when you break them apart. When they are wilted, the enzymes are inactive.

Your liver, stomach, and pancreas produce enzymes. Once we hit approximately 35 years of age, our body genetically makes some assumptions that we are not as active, and do not eat as much, and therefore don’t need to make as many enzymes. This, of course, is not true for most people, and we need to put enzymes back into our bodies. Many injuries can be caused by a deficiency of enzymes. The tissue does not have enough enzymes in the body to help repair the damage done, and pain and additional injury often set in.

When you eat dead food, your body knows it needs enzymes to digest it. However, what happens when your body can’t get enough enzymes for digestion? It pulls from the liver and the pancreas. But if they cannot assist at the time (usually people over age 35 or people generally deficient in enzymes), the body goes one other place, the bones. Your body uses enzymes to hold calcium in your bones. But the bones are very forgiving, and the body dictates that digestion is more important than the bones, so they give up enzymes to assist with digestion. Often this causes excess calcium to float around in the body, often gathering in the kidneys, causing stones, and of course, causing osteoporosis. It is important to take calcium, but enzymes are also important to absorb the calcium you are taking.

Enzymes can be purchased in bottles, and there are different types. Taking enzymes helps improve your digestion and can also help your body eliminate your bowels more effectively. Some enzymes are stronger than others; some help reduce acid, some help to stimulate digestion. It is best to consult a health professional to ensure that you find the best enzymes for you. In most cases, it is best to take these with meals, helping you digest your food.

Nature’s Fresh was originally developed to help get stains out of carpets and clothes by Nature’s Sunshine. However, many herbalists noted that it just contains water and enzymes – why not spray it on topically on the skin to help the body absorb enzymes? It is widely known that we absorb nutrients through our skin, sometimes better than our digestive system – for example – so many patches on the market release medicine over time. Since that time, thousands of people have used Nature’s Fresh for a variety of uses.

Popular Uses of Nature’s Fresh
1. Spray on scalp/hair to help the scalp absorb nutrients to rebuild and grow new hair.
2. Make into a nose spray with colloidal silver or xylitol – especially good for sinus infections.
3. Spray on sun/liver spots or damaged skin to help to repair tissue.
4. Spray on injuries – this is probably the most popular use – spray-on after bath/shower onto pain, such as back, knee, shoulder, etc. If your pain goes away, then comes back in 20 minutes or so, this shows how deficient you are in enzymes. Keep spraying on every 20 minutes or so; you will be able to increase the time between sprayings each day as the area repairs itself, and your bank account gets fuller. Taking enzymes internally helps this process as well.
5. Spray on skin to keep it looking young and help your body absorb other healing creams/ointments you may need for nourishment.
6. Use as an underarm deodorant.
7. Make into a douche by itself or with other herbs to help with yeast infections.
8. Can be sprayed on plants to help with bugs.
9. Of course, on clothes to get out stains, carpets, mattresses, furniture, and much more….

Send us an email if you would like a list of additional uses.

You can purchase Nature’s Fresh, Food Enzymes, Proactazyme, and other enzymes here.

About the Author

Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.


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