My Stance on Allopathic Medicine
Photo by Christina Victoria Craft on Unsplash
First of all, I am not against allopathic medicine. It is great for getting diagnosed, and for resetting bones and dealing with some unique health concerns. It is interesting that outside of the United States, alternative healthcare is more accepted and available, and health is often looked at from a completely different perspective. Did you know that the United States and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements — they are not allowed in any other country. It has taken 100 years to get us to the point where everyone is “expected” to go to the doctor for everything; eye doctor, dentist, medical doctors, specialists, etc. The problem is the system is set up for failure. There is no agenda for personal responsibility , or personal power to utilize simple tools and basic health knowledge to live happier and healthier lives.
Getting in to see a doctor now is challenging, and often my clients tell me they don’t even know why they went. They didn’t get better from anything they were told, and they still have the issue, which is why they turn to me for help. Plus, the allopathic costs! OMG!
One of my friends needed a procedure done recently, the soonest they could get him in to get this done was 3–4 months out! Sad that the there isn’t a system in place in our society that is considered mainstream and acceptable to “catch” people in these gaps that could utilize natural resources to actually get better, or at least help relieve symptoms while waiting for procedures. I often help people in similar situations, but unfortunately this isn’t the norm in our society.
I have a good friend who is into sky diving. She called me one day and she had just jumped out of a plane and landed wrong and broke her back. She asked me “should I take the medicine?” I said yes!! That is what it is for! It is a tool to be used for major injuries like a broken back — take the f***ing drug!!
My friend was concerned about taking something toxic. All medication is toxic. That is why it is regulated. Medical doctors are trained on medication to know what to give people for specific issues. There are a few software programs available that medical professionals use to determine what specific nutrients each drug pull out of the human body. Now, anyone can just do a basic word search for their prescription to see what nutrients the drug pulls out of the body. This can be helpful by providing information as to what nutrients and food can be helpful while someone is taking medication to not only counter the harmful or annoying side effects of the drugs, but also to support the body in healing from the initial issue.
It is fair to say that the majority of health issues can be resolved quickly with natural tools and/or changing behavior. Disease doesn’t have to happen. Getting sick is most often a lifestyle choice. Allopathic medicine is just one option and is limited and expensive in getting people optimally healthy.
There are basic things that help build our bodies, vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, and a plethora of other nutrients. Allopathic medicine is not on that list. They are sometimes a band-aid, sometimes a neutralizer and many times are more toxic than helpful, building up in the liver and other organs, causing side effects and creating other health issues that can be even more challenging. They often are just telling our body to shut-up! Fighting against nature never seems to be a good idea in my opinion…..just saying.
One of my clients went to the doctor a few years back as she was diagnosed with kidney issues. The doctor told her she would be on kidney dialysis within 6 months. He didn’t give her any other options. She changed her diet and rebuilt her kidneys and never needed to go on dialysis. She went back to her doctor upset that he never told her she had other options. Most doctors are not taught about any other options, which is just sad. Doctors are people of course and most got into the profession to help people. It seems the profession has become so monetized and overwhelmed with patients that I am curious how much true healing is going on?
One of my naturopath friends works at a clinic with several MD’s and was told by one MD that he believed everyone should be on 1 prescription for every 10 years of their life! OMG! That is crazy and not a doctor I would ever recommend people go see. I am 61 years old. That would be 6 medications for me — and what would they be for? I have no health issues!
Of course there are several issues around this topic, the God complex that some doctors have (not all doctors are this way fortunately); the fact that many people give their power over to the doctors instead of owning/being responsible for their own bodies health; and of course, the pharmaceutical companies who are often called drug pushers by many. It seems the whole system could use a refresh!
For me, medicine only made me sick and never helped me. I had surgery on my ankle and dental work with only local and topical numbing creams. Taking strong anesthetics only made me sick and it was easier to go through the pain quickly, than to be sick for days afterwards.
Regardless of all of this, I have chosen to focus on my health by eating optimally, exercising regularly and taking natural supplements to get my body in the best shape I can. This is after overcoming a laundry list of illnesses including breast cancer, endometriosis, tumors, cysts, asthma, IBS, and a surplus of emotional issues from an emotionally abusive childhood. I did it all naturally. If I can do it, anyone else can, too.
Was chatting with a friend last week and he mentioned that he spoke to a doctor at a retirement home who mentioned that they often put elderly patients on anti-depressants because, “it is depressing to be old”.
My mom is 82, which some would consider older. She travels around the US in an RV going on hikes, visiting museums, and eating healthy food. If you are not there yet, you can turn things around in your life. It is some work, and no one can drive that bus but you. Although they are not mainstream yet, there are resources and help along the way to make it happen. And once things are turned around, you have added years and joy to your life that make it worthwhile.
It can be depressing at any time in our lives, not just when we are older.
I have even been there myself.
But instead of drugging people, it is sad that resources aren’t popular yet to help people live to their full potential. It is disheartening that that is where we are as a society when we could do so much better.
I don’t have a problem with people choosing or using medicine. And I don’t have a problem with doctors and allopathic medicine. They all have their place. The issue I have is that many if not most health issues can be resolved with better health education, better diet, simple natural tools, exercise and supportive mental health tools. The fact that simple common-sense solutions are not provided as options from medical professionals regularly is just wrong.
As always, the options, choices and results are all yours.
About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.