Eliminate Fungus Issues in Your Body
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash
Is there a fungus inside of you? Many people have fungal organisms within their bodies. It is very prevalent in the Pacific Northwest, where I live. In small doses, fungus can be healthy and useful, but when it overtakes the body, it can drive you crazy. The medical name for this overgrowth is Candida (often mispronounced “canada”) albicans.
The most common symptoms of fungus issues are athlete’s foot, dandruff, rashes (eczema, psoriasis, vaginal yeast infections (these are common and often are alternate with bladder infections), and brain fog. For skin issues, you may think treating it on the surface will work, but think again, as what is going on topically on your skin is typically an indication of what is going on inside your body.
As an iridologist, I see fungus within the body’s tissues via the iris. There is a fungus test online that people do by spitting into a glass of water and of course there are tests that medical doctors do to confirm fungus strains.
But a more important question is: how do you get rid of this annoying little pest and prevent it from coming back?
One option is to take prescription drugs, such as Diflucan. Unfortunately, these drugs are powerful, they can have some nasty side effects, and they work by weakening your liver, so the fungus then goes and hides in the liver. But typically, the minute you go off the drugs, guess who is back? So many people come to ask me how to get rid of fungus naturally and for good.
First off, what are you doing to make a welcome environment for fungus? What is the pH of your body?
If your body pH is not optimum, you are creating a welcome environment for these types of organisms. Here is an article on pH that discussed pH balancing for optimal health. The pH balance needed in a fish tank or in your swimming pool or hot tub is the same concept for your body. Why would they leave if the environment is set up for organisms to live there? Unfortunately, you are probably feeding this organism if you eat sugar, dairy, wheat, mushrooms, vinegar, alcohol, and other fermented foods.
Some people also notice it from overeating fruit.
So, what can you do?
Work on making your body more balanced as far as pH —you don’t want too acid or too alkaline. You want to be balanced.
Eating more vegetables and less of the items listed above that will feed the fungus can help do this. As I mentioned in many of my other articles before, there is always an underlying emotion for the issues. The feeling for fungus is holding onto the past. You might look at what you are subconsciously holding onto and make a conscious decision to let go. Recommended books that discuss this further are Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol Truman and Messages from the Body by Michael Lincoln.
Another issue I often see is that the persons’ overall health and immune system are not optimal, so fighting fungus becomes overwhelming. Getting your health on track by supporting the immune system goes a long way in helping your body overcome fungus issues.
Another cause we see is people that are deficient in Iodine. Iodine deficiency is recognized in the natural health field as a massive problem in this country, and you can read more about it here. If your body is deficient in Iodine, this can affect your pH and set up an environment that makes it difficult to rid yourself of fungus and other organisms.
I have seen many people have excellent results with Iodine. Not only did it completely change the pH of their body, but it also improved their mood, improved their food cravings, helped them sleep better, and eliminated all the fungus in their body, typically in a matter of months.
Other herbs are also helpful to add to your health program, such as black walnut, kelp, black currant oil, Pau d’arco, oregano, or other yeast/fungal products and supplements may be needed to help strengthen or cleanse main elimination organs.
How did this all start?
Typically, this fungus issue starts when people take antibiotics. When you take an antibiotic, you kill not only the organism you are trying to kill, but antibiotics also kill the billions of probiotics in your body that are there to help prevent fungus from overtaking your body. You can read more about this here.
Fungus is a huge problem, and even many M.D.’s are now recommending probiotics to their patients after they take the antibiotic. However, this doesn’t always prevent fungus from getting a foothold.
Often it is apparent that the fungus is in a symbiotic relationship with other organisms. This means another organism in the body; a fungus, or virus, bacteria or parasite, is working together to stay alive. Killing only one of these organisms can upset the other causing other health issues which of course sends the person to the doctor for more antibiotics and the vicious cycle continues. Starting the process all over again of attracting another fungus. These bugs have been around for millions of years and know how to make us eat/crave certain foods to feed themselves or attract other organisms. They know how to make us itch to draw organisms to our face and skin. They know how to change our behavior to their benefit, putting us in environments that we wouldn’t usually be in, again to attract other organisms or feed their environment. You can read more about this in Discover Magazine as they often have articles that discuss this topic.
Another issue to pay attention to when trying to rid yourself of these organisms is mutation. Often organisms will mutate, especially if you are not taking anything to prevent this transformation. We use two herbs specifically for mutation issues: Astragalus and Pau d'arco. These herbs can help keep the organism in its original state, so you have a better shot at killing it. Mutation is a well-known concept in the medical community. That is the main reason why you are not supposed to stop taking antibiotics before the prescription is finished. If you do, the organism can change or mutate, and then the same antibiotic can’t kill the new strain. It has learned how to survive.
We see this same issue when killing organisms in people with herbs and natural products. If people stop taking their herbal programs in the middle of their program, organisms can get a firmer hold by mutating, and then next time, it takes more work to get rid of it.
Another product that can help rid the body of a fungus is xylitol. Xylitol is a wood sugar sweetener that is gaining popularity. It can have a laxative effect when taken internally for some, but it is also excellent at killing fungus environments in the body. This is the main reason it is used effectively in sinus sprays to kill sinus infections, typically from fungus overgrowth. You can soak your feet in a foot bath with xylitol added. Be sure to use warm/hot water to dissolve the xylitol completely. Some people like tea tree essential oil for fungus, but I have found it is a bit overrated. You could add it to the foot bath if you like with the xylitol.
Xylitol also works terrific as a vaginal douche. Taking a douche ball, you can fill it with warm water, put in 1–2 teaspoons of xylitol, and douche gently to help balance the pH and set an environment that fungus does not like. Xylitol is fairly affordable, so something easy to try to see if it helps your fungal issues.
Another fantastic product to kill fungus is colloidal silver. Silver can be put on topically on feet or on any topical part of the body. Make sure the silver brand you are using is manufactured using a patented process (U.S. Patent №7,135,195). This ensures quality and safety. Check the ingredients as high-quality colloidal silver should not need other additives or preservatives. Silver comes in liquids and gels to be used all over the body and internally for many infections, including fungus.
The protocol recommended for toe fungus:
Place the colloidal silver drops under the affected nail. For even more effective treatment, the silver needs to be in contact with the fungus for ten minutes to kill it.
It is recommended to get the silver below the nail. File or sand the shiny top layer of the nail, making the nail porous.
.Soak a 1/2 inch thick cloth in silver to create a toe dressing. You can use tape over the toe so the liquid can soak into the nail.
Tape a little baggie around it so it doesn’t leak; leave it for at least ten minutes or overnight for even better results. Use clean duct tape to keep it in place (yes, it really works!).
After ten minutes, the dark fungus will be lighter, and this treatment will be effective for 48 hours.
Do this 3 times a week, or every other day.
So, if there is a fungus in your body, hopefully I’ve given you some ideas on how to rid yourself of it for good. Please reach out for custom-tailored natural health programs for your body if needed.
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About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website http://truhealth.com/. You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.