Eliminate bladder infections for good
I have had so many people come to me over the years with bladder infections: women in their 70’s, 3-year-old girls, and every age in between.
The first thing I ask people when they come in with this issue is,
“What are you pissed-off at?”
And they typically look at me in shock and say,
“How did you know I was pissed off at something?”
As I have written about so often before, there is an emotion behind every illness. The emotion behind bladder infections is ‘being pissed off.’
“They do not need to share the details of what they are pissed off at; the idea is for them to acknowledge the emotion and do something about it for themselves.”
If they need help with acknowledging the emotion — the book I recommend is Feelings Buried Alive, Never Die, by Karol Truman. The book lists the many health issues with the underlying emotion, and there is a script on page 95 to help the person release the issue’s underlying cause. My clients have found that modifying the script into their own phrasing/words also works if you are not comfortable with the script provided.
Once the emotions are acknowledged, some additional things can help physically, nutritionally, and neurologically. The main point here is to use the book as a tool to listen to what your body is trying to communicate with you.
Once you acknowledge what you are feeling, you can do something about it if you choose.
Conventional Medicine
If you have a bladder infection, it can be uncomfortable, causing symptoms of burning, itching, or desire to urinate, but nothing comes out. Conventional medicine only has one option, and that is to take an antibiotic.
Medical doctors want you to take antibiotics to kill the infection and prevent the infection from moving into your kidneys (kidney infections are horrible — I have had them before). Unfortunately, taking antibiotics may eliminate your symptoms and your current infection, but then put you on the non-stop merry go round where you take antibiotics every few months off/on that never seems to stop.
So, is this really fixing the overall problem?
A popular home remedy that many people and even doctors are now recommending is to drink cranberry juice. There are cranberry pills available for those that don’t like the taste of cranberry juice. The problem is that this often doesn’t fix the overall problem either.
There can be various mutated strains of organisms that can cause infections — and antibiotics can cause these mutations over time. And we have found that recently in the past few years or so that the mutated strains don’t respond as well to the cranberry juice like they used to.
The other issue is that most people drink cranberry juice with tons of sugar, which only feeds the organisms!
People don’t realize that the reason they have the infection in the first place is often that there is too much acid in their body, specifically in the bladder area. This makes an optimal environment for organisms to thrive.
Once it is digested and “burned” by the body, Cranberry juice leaves acidic ash, which means it is creating more of an acid environment for the organism instead of less of one.
This acid/alkaline balance is an extremely delicate process that the body is always trying to maintain. Organisms are very cognizant of this fact and have been around a lot longer than us. They know how to take advantage of a good thing.
So how can you prevent bladder infections in the future? And if you happen to have a bladder infection, how do you get rid of it effectively so that it won’t return?
The first thing is to drink LOTS of good water. Think of your body’s fluid as being a flowing river. If you are drinking an excess of toxic drinks such as soda, coffee, tea with sugar and/or preservative-laden juices, these beverages make the river more toxic.
If you don’t drink enough water, the river in your body will start to stagnate when a river dries up and creates ponds, which organisms love to populate. Drinking lots of quality water can help to flush this environment easily.
The cheapest fix for a bladder infection is to have people drink 2 gallons of water in one day. This cleanses everything out and many times fixes the problem.
You will be going potty every 20 minutes, but the infection most likely will get flushed out along with everything else. Getting your hydration level up and keeping it up can help to prevent future issues.
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash
It is important to keep water in your body, but the right kind of water can help even more. For example, if your body is toxic, it is important to drink good quality purified or distilled water to help you flush your urinary system.
However, distilled water is acidic. To remedy this, adding in some lemon or lime juice can alkalize the water for you. Liquid mineral drops also would work.
If choosing bottled water, look at the label as it is a requirement for manufactures to post the source of the water. You want it to say it is from a natural spring source.
There are all kinds of chiropractors, and just like everything else, there are some chiropractors you may connect with more positively than others. I highly recommend you keep searching till you find one that will spend more time to assist you with your specific issue or one that may have a better skill set to address your specific issues.
Chiropractic has to do with working with your nervous system in the body, similar to the electrical system in your car or home.
If your nervous system is misfiring, or there are “circuits” that are blown, blockages can cause illnesses such as bladder infections. These are caused by injuries, stress (such as holding onto the emotion of being upset about something), or nutritional deficiencies.
Finding a good chiropractor for yourself can help you stay healthy, release blockages that can help you release emotional baggage easier, and help keep you healthier in the long run. I recommend chiropractors that have graduated from Palmer Chiropractic school, that know Cranial Sacral Therapy and Kinesiology.
There are herbs with diuretic properties that can help to flush the bladder to help remove the infection. Herbs such as parsley, dandelion, juniper berries, and uva ursi all have diuretic effects and will make you urinate more as they push the urine, the acid, and infection out.
It is often optimum to take these while drinking all that water so that your body has a fresh supply of clean water to help flush with. Another herb that you most likely won’t read about anywhere else for bladder infections is Damiana, taken as a tea. Herbalists mostly use damiana to help improve people’s sex drive.
However, Damiana made into a tea is very good at flushing fungus and infection out of the kidneys and bladder.
It is important to drink the tea 3–4 times a day for best results, drink the water, and support the kidneys/bladder with one or more of the herbs above. Many herbalists offer combinations of herbs specifically for this purpose.
Bucha is another herb you may find with cranberry or used in other urinary formulas to prevent or stop bladder infections. Be sure to check with your health professional for best results for your body’s unique circumstances.
As I have mentioned in previous articles and briefly discussed here, having the proper pH can help make this issue go away and stay away for good. The largest acid producer in your body is your emotions, so if you are upset or pissed off, this can create more acid in your body.
If you are emotionally upset, go ahead and have the pity party. Set a timer for 10 minutes to bitch, moan, complain, and get it all out of your system. It is important to experience the emotion and acknowledge it, to respect the fact that you are a human being with emotions that need to be acknowledged and processed. If you don’t, they will get buried for you to deal with later.
Processing emotions can reduce acid in the body instead of creating a whole river of emotional acid.
If you have been on the merry go round with the antibiotics off/on again, then it is important to take some probiotics, which the antibiotics kill along with your infection. You are supposed to have over 650 strains of healthy probiotics that live in your small intestine and throughout your body, which help build important vitamins such as B vitamins, help your immune system, and kill fungus other harmful organisms.
If they aren’t there — fungus often takes over in your body, causing all kinds of other health problems. If you want to learn how important probiotics are, I encourage you to read an article in November 2005, Discover Magazine entitled “Are Antibiotics Killing Us?” which can be viewed from the Discover Magazine website.
If you are having fungus issues already, that is another topic for another day. I suffered from bladder/kidney infections for many years, so I am acutely aware of the repeating cycle of pain, frustration, and ineffective medical solutions.
There are other choices for you. Paying attention to what you are feeling and learning about natural options may provide a solution for you.
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About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website http://truhealth.com. You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.