Cleaning your house? How about your colon too!
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash
Do you feel toxic — full of gunk? Most people have too many toxins going in and not enough coming out of their elimination systems. A toxic environment can cause many illnesses and excess weight gain.
One time my washing machine wasn’t working correctly. I had the inner workings cleaned out, and then it worked fine. Our bodies are similar. It is a good idea to detoxify them every six months to a year. This is especially true since our food is not as pure as it should be. When we eat food, the digestion process creates toxins as a by-product. If we eat organic food, we don’t get as many toxins. But if we eat non-organic food, we are also ingesting antibiotics, hormones, synthetics, pesticides, etc. We also ingest toxins from the air (gas stations, car smog, cigarettes, smoke, and many other air pollutants) and water (weed killers, fertilizers, chlorine, and more). And there are also toxins in many products in the bathroom, soaps, makeup, etc. And from any medication taken as well.
A healthy Colon (Large Intestine) is most important to feel good. Many natural health professionals believe that death begins in the colon. People seem to forget that what goes into their bodies must come out. Your colon is like a tunnel — if three cars go in, three cars must come out at some point. If you eat three meals a day, you should have two to three healthy bowel movements a day.
Colon Information
The colon is typically about 59 inches long and is our body’s garbage container. As documented in many books, there is a direct relationship between parts of the large intestine and the corresponding reflex areas of the body. Therefore, toxicity or other problems in the colon produce a reflex symptom in the corresponding organ or tissue. For example, if you have a problem with your ear, it could mean that the specific part of the colon supplying nutrients to that ear might be damaged or toxic. Organ tissues are only as healthy as the blood that feeds them; the blood is as clean as the bowel from which nutrients are supplied.
Your colon is only as healthy as the rest of your digestive system. Digestion begins with our mouths’ saliva and continues in the stomach and small intestine. The small intestine is approximately nine feet long and receives food mass from the stomach, bile from the liver and gallbladder, and pancreatic juice from the pancreas. Lining the entire surface are minute fingerlike villi through which the digestion products (simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids) are absorbed. Beneficial bacteria live in the small intestine, and they produce B vitamins, kill harmful organisms, and are known as intestinal flora or pro-biotics (acidophilus & bifodopholis are just 2 of the many types of probiotics). These are often confused with enzymes, which aid in digestion in the stomach. You can read about the differences here.
When you take an antibiotic, you kill both the harmful and beneficial bacteria in your body. When the good bacteria are gone, fungus and other harmful organisms can thrive. It is essential to take a probiotic after completing an antibiotic, and often this is important for other drugs as well. It is also valuable to take it in the correct form.
Some people think if they eat yogurt, this will be enough. Although yogurt contains probiotics — the beneficial bacteria it has typically won’t make it past the acid in the stomach to the small intestine, and it will not be helpful. It is best to take an enteric-coated capsule. Enterics live in your intestines, and when your body sees them, they bypass the stomach and open up in the small intestine, so the beneficial bacteria are now in the optimum place to help you.
Whatever digestion takes place in the large intestines results from bacteria. Many fermentative bacteria are found in the middle portion of the colon. These helpful bacteria change carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and lactic acid. The most important but not the most common bacterium in the colon is E. Coli, which is not harmful to us but is helpful when found in the colon. E. coli releases enzymes that help promote better digestion for our bodies. In addition, E. coli also helps make Vitamin K and Vitamin B12.
Also, two other essential parts of the colon are the Illeoceccal valve (between the large and small intestines) and the Valve of Houston (between the large intestine and the rectum). These one-way valves must open and close appropriately for fecal matter to move in the right direction and not get clogged.
If these valves are not working properly, you can experience gas, diarrhea, or constipation. A chiropractor (Palmer Graduate recommended) can make sure these work correctly for you.
Emotional Work
In addition, there is an emotion related to each body organ. This is explained in many Chinese medicine books. The colon’s emotion is Control. Often if there are colon problems, either you are trying to control something or someone, or someone or something is trying to control you. The Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Kahn Truman and Messages From the Body by Michael Lincoln are two books that are very helpful in working out these issues.
Cleansing the Colon
Before cleansing your colon, follow these informative guidelines.
It is crucial to make sure you support your liver and kidneys when flushing your colon. People often take products to clean their colon and forget about supporting the liver and kidneys. It is also often necessary to ensure you are getting enough enzymes for your digestion. Remember digestion produces toxins as a by-product, and you need to make sure there are enzymes to help carry these toxins out of the body. If digestion is poor and there are severe health issues, the colon will never be adequately cleaned without the necessary tools the body needs to do its job.
There are diets that help clean the colon effectively. Low carb/Keto diets naturally cleanse the body when done correctly. If choosing a vegan/vegetarian diet, it is crucial to make sure you eat foods high in fiber, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Berries are one of the richest sources of fiber for the body.
Another option is to fast.
One option when detoxing is to fast for a few days. Some people choose to drink fresh organic juices or organic bone broths. And of course, lots of water. There is a great deal of water absorbed in the colon. Fluids of the body are stored in this way, and, despite a large number of secretions (saliva, etc.) added to food during its process through the body, the contents of the colon are gradually dehydrated. That is why it is crucial to drink a lot of clean water.
Electrolytes are also essential when fasting to ensure the body has a good source of minerals for all the critical body functions. When cleansing, if there are not enough minerals in the body, you may experience headaches or other uncomfortable issues.
Cleansing Tools
There are natural herbs that can help with cleansing. Some of these herbs include Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Psyllium Seed, and Psyllium hulls. Before taking any supplements, it is vital to make sure that you know how each of these products works. Senna is very strong and must be used with caution. It pulls potassium out to the body, which can stop your heart if taken for too long. Often dieter’s teas and other products contain Senna to make your bowels move more often, helping you lose weight. Suppose you are having diarrhea from taking Senna or are taking it more than a week or two. In that case, it is crucial to take a potassium supplement, eat lots of potatoes/bananas, and check with your health professional to make sure it is the right product for you.
If you do not have at least one bowel movement a day, taking Cascara Sagrada and Psyllium Seed together is a good choice. Cascara is a stimulant and acts like a hose to wash fecal matter out of the colon. Psyllium Seed is like a scrubber brush — it cleans the walls out and Cascara is a stimulant and works to flush the colon. Taking this 1–2 times a day will help keep your bowel movements moving more effectively. If you are focused on improving your diet, you will find you won’t need to stay on this forever and will be able to migrate to Psyllium Hulls or something else not quite as strong.
If you have at least one bowel movement a day, Psyllium Hulls can add extra fiber to your diet to help you have at least one more bowel movement a day and help your body push out additional toxins that may be present.
Remember, your colon is a muscle and must be exercised just like every other muscle in the body, or it will become stagnant. Many people often ask my opinion on colonics/enemas. I think colonics should be used sparingly, if at all. They are significant for emergencies: however, they are not recommended more than once or twice a year.
I had a friend when I was young who was always giving herself enemas. She is still doing them daily now because her colon muscles have shut down since she has been doing them for so many years and her colon muscles now rely on the enema to do its job. It is also important to remember to replace minerals and friendly bacteria if you have a colonic since it is not a natural process and can pull out useful nutrients along with harmful ones.
Some other useful tools for cleansing the colon are Hydrated Bentonite Clay, Algin, Chickweed, and Chlorophyll. These can be taken with cleansing herbs to help your body push harmful toxins out more effectively. Many of my clients and I use muscle testing to determine the best products for optimum results.
Choose Cleanses Wisely
There are many colon cleanses from which to choose. Visit your natural health professional to find the best one for you. Remember, sometimes, when people start cleansing, they can get clogged up/constipated. It’s like throwing too much garbage out the front door at once. If this happens, make sure you are eating right, drinking water, and taking the right herbs for what you are trying to accomplish. It is also essential to ensure your valves are working correctly, as closed valves can also cause constipation.
After Your Cleanse
After you cleanse, it is always beneficial to rebuild tissue and provide essential nutrients to repair damage and build new cells. One helpful product is flaxseed. Flaxseed is high in fiber and iron, which is beneficial for most women. It also contains essential fatty acids for your skin, hair, arteries, brain, organs, and tissue walls such as the colon. You can purchase flax seeds to put on top of salads, in cookies, as a ground meal for meatloaf, or placed into natural hot cereal. Here is one recipe that my family loves. Flax has a nice nutty flavor and is so good for you.
Happy cleansing!
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About the Author
Kasara is educated as a Mental Health Therapist, Master Herbalist, Traditional Naturopath and Energy Worker with over 35 years of helping thousands of clients find alternative health options that work. She writes articles on Medium, and on her website You may subscribe to her Medium account or her newsletter to stay connected.